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Grants for preparing research applications

By simon [dot] barajas_lamo [at] cfe [dot] lu [dot] se (Simon Barajas Lamo) - published 29 March 2022 The Centre for European Studies at Lund University (CFE) announces the availability of grants for preparing research applications. The Centre has allocated 400.000 SEK (plus LKP) for this purpose during 2022 which will be divided into two calls (spring and autumn). This is the first call. The gran - 2025-01-05

Apply now for student travel grants!

By evelina [dot] hagberg [at] cfe [dot] lu [dot] se (Evelina Hagberg) - published 11 November 2021 The Centre for European Studies at Lund University (CFE) regularly awards smaller travel grants to students who would benefit from carrying out field studies in connection with their Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis. The overall theme of the thesis must be related to European affairs, broadly interprete - 2025-01-05

How can the EU fix global trade?

By evelina [dot] hagberg [at] cfe [dot] lu [dot] se (Evelina Hagberg) - published 9 December 2021 The single market of the EU is often hailed as the number one success story of European integration, and it is one of the reasons why the EU is seen as a law-making machine. Single market laws are partly focused on competition law, which sets out to ban state aid and other interventionist practices in - 2025-01-05

Baude receives the best thesis award 2021

By simon [dot] barajas_lamo [at] cfe [dot] lu [dot] se (Simon Barajas Lamo) - published 8 February 2022 Agnes Baude (photo). The Centre for European Studies has awarded the 2021 Best Thesis Award to Agnes Baude for her Master of Law thesis on the European Arrest warrant and the rule of law. Agnes Baude’s thesis is called “Protecting the European Union Rule of Law through national court scrutiny? – - 2025-01-05

Rachwol’s master’s thesis receives an honourable mention

By simon [dot] barajas_lamo [at] cfe [dot] lu [dot] se (Simon Barajas Lamo) - published 8 February 2022 Olivia Rachwol (photo). The Centre for European Studies has awarded Olivia Rachwol the 2021 honorary mention for her Master of Cultural Sciences thesis on Conspiracy Theories in Polish Daily newspapers. Olivia Rachwol’s study is called “Conspiracy Theories and the Polarized Polish Press: Systemi - 2025-01-05

Working at the European Commission

By simon [dot] barajas_lamo [at] cfe [dot] lu [dot] se (Simon Barajas Lamo) - published 9 June 2022 How do you apply for a job at the European Commission and what skills are in demand? And what is it like to work for the Commission? In March 2022, Helena Larsson Haug, Senior Expert at the European Commission’s Directorate-General Competition (DG COMP), visited Lund and shared her experiences and t - 2025-01-05

The global trading system from war to war

By simon [dot] barajas_lamo [at] cfe [dot] lu [dot] se (Simon Barajas Lamo) - published 9 June 2022 The Director General of the National Board of Trade (‘Kommerskollegium’), Anders Ahnlid, visited Lund on 30 March 2022. At a seminar organized by the Centre for European Studies, he presented an overview of how the global trading system came into being, evolved during and after the Cold War, and mig - 2025-01-05

CenCIP vid JRC i Ispra

Publicerad 10 juli 2017 Jonas Johansson visiting researcher vid JRC Ispra, Italien, under 2 veckor. Under två veckor, 10 juli till 28 juli, är Jonas Johansson vid CenCIP visiting researcher vid EU:s Joint Research Centre (JRC) i Ispra, Italien. JRC är Europeiska kommissionens vetenskaps- och kunskapsservice för att genomföra forskning och ge oberoende vetenskapliga råd och stöd EUs policyarbete. V - 2025-01-05

SSV-seminarium, Stockholm 22 november

Av jonas [dot] johansson [at] risk [dot] lth [dot] se (Jonas Johansson) - publicerad 16 oktober 2017 CenCIP anordnar ett seminarium i Stockholm den 22 november med fokus på aktuella frågor och utmaningar inom området skydd av samhällsviktig verksamhet. Skydd av Samhällsviktig verksamhet – Aktuella frågor och utmaningarVälkomna till ett heldagsseminarium med fokus på det viktiga arbetet med skydd a - 2025-01-05

Publication in Safety Science

Av bjorn [dot] arvidson [at] risk [dot] lth [dot] se (Björn Arvidsson) - publicerad 19 januari 2018 Congratulations to CENCIP researchers Alexander Cedergren, Jonas Johansson and Henrik Hassel Congratulations to CENCIP researchers Alexander Cedergren, Jonas Johansson and Henrik Hassel who have published an article in Safety Science on "Challenges to critical infrastructure resilience in an institu - 2025-01-05

Ny uppsats om samhällsviktig verksamhet, incitament och riskhantering

Publicerad 8 februari 2018 CenCIP forskare har fått med uppsatsen "Using microworlds to study critical infrastructure protection – The effect of incentives on risk management" på konferensen ESREL2018 i Trondheim i sommar. Uppsatsen handlar om hur olika typer av incitament kan påverka hanteringen av risk i en samhällsviktig verksamhet och hur man genom att använda riskbedömningar kan motverka skad - 2025-01-05

Artikel om Sveriges Infrastrukturers Resiliens

Publicerad 13 mars 2018 CenCIP-forskare presenterar en artikel vid konferensen ESREL2018 i juni i Trondheim, Norge. I artikeln jämför vi några av Sveriges kritiska infrastrukturers resiliens utifrån avbrottsdata och drar slutsatsen att relativt stora skillnader existerar. Ett vidare arbete blir att undersöka orsakerna till dessa skillnader, beror de på skillnader i regleringar, riskkultur eller he - 2025-01-05

Anmäl till kurs i Venedig: Critical Infrastructure Resilience

Publicerad 13 mars 2018 CenCIP-forskare medverkar i en uppföljare till en lyckad sommarkurs i Venedig med fokus på kritiska infrastrukturers resiliens. Anmälan till kursen är öppen till den 29 mars. För mer information och anmälan till kursen, se nedan.VIU Summer School on Critical Infrastructure Resilience (CIR) In this second edition, we bring together academics and professional experts to discu - 2025-01-05

Ny avhandling: Risk Communication in Multi-stakeholder Disaster Risk Management Systems: Insights and recommendations from the Swedish system

Publicerad 4 maj 2018 Den 18/5 klockan 10.15 försvarar Lexin Lin sin avhandling "Risk Communication in Multi-stakeholder Disaster Risk Management Systems: Insights and recommendations from the Swedish system” i sal V:D, V-huset, Lund. Länk till avhandlingenAbstractThe overall purpose of this thesis is to improve our understanding of how disaster risk management (DRM) systems function. Specifically - 2025-01-05

Ny avhandling: Indivisible Wholes & Fragmented Realities : On the Aggregation of Disaster Risk Information

Publicerad 6 september 2018 Den 21 september försvarar Peter Månsson sin avhandling i sal V:B, V-huset, John Ericssons väg 1, i Lund. Abstract (Swedish)Orkanen Katrina, tsunamin i Indiska oceanen, Lehmankraschen och 11-september attackerna är bara några exempel på sentida händelser som väckt frågor kring vår förmåga att förutse och förstå katastrofrisker. I efterhand är det dock lätt att glömma at - 2025-01-05

CenCIP-forskare presenterar vid SRA Nordic 2018

Publicerad 10 oktober 2018 Totalt 7 bidrag från CenCIP presenteras vid konferensen SRA Nordic 2018, Stavanger, 8-9 November. Forskare aktiva inom CenCIP presenterar totalt 7 st bidrag vid konferensen Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) - Nordic chapter, Stavanger, Norge, 8-9 september. I samarbete med Stavangers Universitet anordnar vi två special sessions inom temat "Critical Infrastructures and Soci - 2025-01-05

Joint Critical Infrastructure Workshop

Publicerad 12 oktober 2018 CenCIP anordnar en gemensam ISF-workshop med Skövde Högskola med inriktning mot Kritiska Infrastrukturer. Joint ISF Workshop on Protection of Critical InfrastructuresStockholm, 7A Centralen, Vasagatan 7, 2018-10-16, 9:00-16:00Critical infrastructure such as the power grid, the traffic network, healthcare,water supply and others are vital for keeping the society striving. - 2025-01-05